A full moon by any other name

It is great fun capturing a photograph of a full moon poised over an iconic landscape!

The moon appears full, generally, once per month. Every nineteen years or so you will have a month with no full moon and at other times it is possible to have two full moons in a given month. In a month having two full moons the second full moon is called a 'blue' moon. So, you basically get twelve tries, in a year, at success.

But wait! Is that the same moon every month? Well, technically yes but did you know the full moon has a different name depending on the month in which it appears. Native Americans kept track of the seasons by naming the full moon appearing each month.

Here is a list of full moon names by month according to various online sources.

Northern Hemisphere

January - Wolf Moon
February - Snow Moon
March - Worm Moon
April - Pink Moon
May - Flower Moon
June - Strawberry Moon
July - Buck Moon
August - Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon
September - Harvest Moon
October - Hunter's Moon
November - Beaver Moon
December - Cold Moon

Southern Hemisphere

January - Buck Moon
February - Sturgeon Moon
March - Harvest Moon
April - Hunter's Moon
May - Beaver Moon
June - Cold Moon
July - Wolf Moon
August - Snow Moon
September - Worm Moon
October - Pink Moon
November - Flower Moon
December - Strawberry Moon

The naming, of all these moons, actually has meaning which I will leave for you to discover.


Photographers must be right-handed


Have some Pi