Over forty years have passed since I first felt the urge to depress a shutter button. Many moons gone by and I can no longer recall what peaked my interest in photography so long ago. I suppose it was then, as it is today, a desire to capture and create my own interpretation of the world I live in.
Back in the used to be, I worked in the medium of the day which for me was black and white film using a 35mm Minolta camera. While getting consistent results was a struggle, it was during this time I learned the basics of exposure and composition.
Later, digital arrives on the scene and the photographic process evolves into a more manageable workflow for me. At this time, my wife and I begin our travels to distant areas of the country and beyond. Intrigued by the National Parks, I quickly adopt the lifestyle of a landscape photographer. My favorite places became the high lakes, forests and mountains of the west.
My love of the photographic process has run unabated since those early days. I enjoy learning about all things photography and often find myself diverging into research about the physical nature of light and other optics related topics.
The work I present here is the culmination of my experiences and travels. Enjoy!
Tri-State Photographic Society
Nature PDI 2023 - First Place - Whitehorse Falls
Nature PDI 2024 - First Place - Dog Slaughter Falls
Nature PDI 2024 - Honorable Mention - Hidden Lake